Vastu / Feng Shui for EDUCATION:
greatest difficulty of parents and students is in Education Field.
Parents force the children to concentrate and work hard but the children
are unable to do that. This is very common and nobody pays heed to the
such the problem is not with students, the problem is in the Feng Shui /
Vastu of the house. People are not aware of Feng Shui /Vastushastra.
This itself is a science which is called Edifice Science, relates to the
building and plots. It can help to enhance education luck,
concentration and satisfaction in studies. Applying this, students can
score well and their graph of education will go high.
When we study Feng Shui /
Vastushastra we find that there are nine corners of house or plot.
These corners have their respective branches e.g. North corner is for
Career, South corner is for Fame and Reputation, East for Health and
West for Children’s creativity etc. Among these one corner is of
Education also. When there is any problem in that corner, respective
branch is affected badly. To reverse the problem particular corner have
to be cured or some modifications to be done.
Feng Shui / Vastu
science bridges the gap between man and nature. There are two major
energies i.e. Solar Energy and Geomagnetic Energy. These two energies
effects the corner of house or plot very effectively and these can be
controlled by taking some effective steps. 
Education Corner:
of the nine corners one corner is of Education. This is of North East
and this corner is very important because this is called Ishanya or
Ishver in vastu. The sun rises from the East move towards North and sets
in the West. So the energy moves from this corner and goes to the house
or plot. Be smart that it should always enter the positive energy from
this corner. In Vastu North, East and North East corner should be lowest
and out of these three if North East corner is lowest this will be very
positive. This corner should be lowest, open, light, clutter free and
well lit. This is essential in vastu and with this the Bio cosmic energy
will further enhance the good luck of house or plot.
East is the spiritual and educational corner. If one study and
concentrates deeply on the ancient temples and religious monasteries of
India, one will notice that north east corner is utilized very wisely.
This is because sitting in this corner one can concentrate very easily.
That is why this corner is used for Education.
Guideline to enhance North East corner:
Ø Always leave maximum open space in north east of the property.
Ø Let the sun should come from this side maximum.
Ø There should not be any obstruction e.g. high walls, tall trees, polls etc.
Ø Only small plants are advisable in this corner.
Ø North east corner should be clutter free.
Ø Try to keep this corner well lit at night.
Ø This corner should be lowest of all the corners.
Ø Any water object will enhance its positivity.
Ø Toilets a big no no in this corner. They will pollute the bio cosmic energy which is very harmful to the property.
These some of the precautions which can save lot of efforts and enhance the corner.
Essential tips for Education:
1. Direction.
2. Color
3. Sitting plan
4. Element
5. Alleviation
6. Defective corner
7. Kua Number in Feng Shui.
shui is based on directions as there are eight directions. Each
direction has its own role and importance. The element of the NE is
Earth. The color is yellow, beige. As NE is associated with Education
and learning. NE is the corner of school children or who are aspiring
for higher studies. Students should always associate with this corner.
Arrange the study furniture in this corner for student like chair and
table or desk. A comfortable chair should also be there. While studying
or doing schoolwork, student should sit on the proper chair and in this
important step to be taken care of is that this corner should always be
clutter free. Always keep the table clear from books and other study
material. Bundle of books on table will stress the student and he will
always be in tension.
get the maximum from this corner with minimum efforts one should
energize or activate this corner. The more the energy is produced here
more the positive results will be achieved. NE corner is associated with
Earth in Feng Shui. So earth element has to be enhanced. Placing or
decorating this corner with Earth symbols such as porcelain, clay or
pottery elements. These decoration pieces reinforce energy as they are
connected with earth. Quartz is also associated with this corner as they
attract earth element very strongly. The cycle of element in feng shui
fire produces earth. So candles and pieces which reflect fire element
can also be placed in this corner.
are very important in feng shui. Each direction has its own color e.g.
North the element is water and color is blue and black, east the element
is wood and color is green and brown etc. While using these colors one
can enhance the Ki or Ki can be reduced. It all depends how these cycle
of color is used in feng shui. There are three type of cycle in feng
shui, productive, destructive and exhaustive.
studies always try to decorate this corner with earth colors. When we
decorate any corner with colors the Ki is enhanced and the results are
achieved very fast. This corner can be decorated with Earth or Fire
color. As earth color is yellow or beige and fire color is red and
orange. These colors enhance the positive Ki, which is good for
students. Fire color can be used as the cycle of element fire produces
earth, so red, orange and pink give boost to this sector. Be sure that
when using the color it should be balanced and not over powered. Excess
is everything bad. So using excessive colors may not give positive
results, it may give some negative effects.
should be balance (Yin or Yang). Students need yang energy, but it
should be balanced yin and yang. If excess yang energy is used the
students become stubborn or hyperactive and then it will be difficult to
control him. So using the color one should study or be particular which
color may give yang energy and how it should be controlled with yin
Sitting Plan:
Any posture in
feng shui hints some meaning. The masters understand it easily. In
learning and education one must follow the sitting plan. As there are
two types of students, one is bright and the other is average. These two
have their different situation in a room.
students should sit in north east and facing towards east. This is the
best sitting plan for them. Whereas the average students should sit in
the west room in north east corner and facing east. This will boost
their brain and memory which results that they can grasp very easily. In
both the cases the north east and east plays a pivotal role.
light should come from left side or from behind. Natural light is very
good for them or they should use table lamps. They should sit on chair
and table. Their back should not be towards doors or windows. Their
table should not touch the wall. At least 6-8 inches away from wall.
element in this universe or space has its own energy. It produces
different results when it radiates mingled with others. In feng shui
like color and direction, element is also very important. Every
direction is connected with its own element e.g. south direction the
element is fire, west direction the element is metal and north east
which is corner of education the element is earth. There are five
elements: Water,
Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.
Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.
Water Wood Fire Earth Metal
There are three
types of cycle of these elements. Productive, Destructive and Exhaustive
cycle. Always try to implement either productive cycle or exhaustive
cycle. Do not try to use destructive cycle.
Productive cycle is: water produces wood, wood produces fire, fire produces earth and earth produces metal.
Exhaustive cycle is wood exhaust water, water exhaust metal, metal exhausts earth, earth exhaust fire and fire exhaust wood.
cycle of element is water destroy fire, fire destroys metal, metal
destroy wood, wood destroys earth and earth destroys water.
are three feng shui cycle of element. In education also the element has
its own role. Element dominates and with this help the Ki can be
changed or modified in one’s favor. But always take care that excess
should not be used.
or alleviation of room flooring or plot is very important. Where ever
the student sits and study, the flow of the place should be towards
North East, East or North. It is very important because positive energy
flows from lower lever to higher lever. This type of floor will be boon
for students.
Corners are
important not only in education but whole of life, not only to the
individuals but the entire family. The room or plot should be either
square or rectangular. These two forms are the best for everyone.
there is any cut, missing corner or defect in the corner it will
produce negative energy, which is very harmful. For example the East
corner is defective or missing, and then it will bring difficulties in
family and health those living there. In education always take care of
the north east corner. It should be equal and without defect. If you
find any type of defect, go for some remedies for that the development
of children.
Kua Number:
other things in mind which are important, Kua number is the most
important of all. Every individual has its own Kua number. DoB and
gender is taken to calculate Kua number. Under this kua number there are
four favorable and four unfavorable directions. To achieve the best
results one should always use the favorable directions only. These
directions can be decided after calculating the kua number. In feng shui
FU WEI is the direction of education.
Remedial for Education:
Ø Study should be done either in East, North or West. These are the best directions for students or who are aspiring for career.
Ø Always
keep face either on East or North directions. These two directions are
considered best. Keeping face on these directions one can concentrate
Ø Entrance door shall be from East or North side.
Ø Preferred side of windows is the East or North.
Ø Book shelf should be in South-West.
Ø Always
keep the book shelf clutter free. If the books are not in use for long
time and wanted to keep them these should be rotated frequently so that
the positive energy should be in rotation too.
Ø Keep a crystal tree in the West corner of the room.
Ø Student
should sit in the North-East side and facing East while studying. The
average students should sit in the west corner, in North-East direction
and facing East. This will help them to concentrate well and can learn
more and easily.
Ø While sitting there should be solid wall behind. It gives solid support.
Ø Always have a painting of either long trees or mountains (not spiked) behind the sitting chair.
Ø Ensure
that the study table is clutter free. There should not a stack of books
on table. Keep pens and pencils in drawers. No sharp things like
blades, pins or knife on the study table.
Ø Always use wooden table and wooden chair (not revolving)
Ø The light should be sufficient in the room. It should be soft and not harsh to the eyes.
Ø Table lamp is good on table. It should be kept on South-East side or on your left side on the table.
Ø If possible natural sun light is very good in study room. This always produces the positive rays.
Ø Crystals
always produce positive energy, as such if crystals are kept on study
table it is very good. But these crystals should be cleansed, purified,
charged and programmed only then these will enhance the energy in the
room which is essential for students.
Ø Students should sleep with their heads towards East.
Ø Study room should not be under toilet or above the garage.
Ø Study table should not be in bed room. If it is thee you will feel tired all the time.
Ø Try to avoid entrance from South. This direction is not considered good for
Ø Study room should not be attached to toilet or the doors of toilet and study room should not be facing each other.
Ø While
studying one should not sit under beams. If it is there move the table
from the beam. As load of beam pressurized and it become difficult to
Ø If
it is not possible to shift from beam then install lights on the beam.
Hang two flutes on the beam. They also reduce the power of beam.
Ø Be sure that mirror does not reflect the books. This is double the pressure and the result one will be under tensions always.
Ø Furniture
of the study room should not be pointed or spiked, drawers should not
be open, pillars if pointed should be covered with plants or anything,
and these things produce negative energy.
Ø Study
table should not be attached to the wall. There should be gap of
minimum six inches from the wall. This will help the student in their
flight of thoughts.
Ø The light should not be from back side of the student while studying.
Education & Wisdom
Number: 8
Shape: Square Shape
Elements & Colors to Use:
Earth Rules: Yellow, Beige, Terracotta, Earth Tones
Fire Produces: Red; Orange, Burgundy, Pink
Elements & Colors to be Avoided:
Wood Destroys: Green, Brown
Metal Exhausts: White, Gold, Silver, Metallic
For Education success
Direction: NortheastEducation & Wisdom
Number: 8
Shape: Square Shape
Elements & Colors to Use:
Earth Rules: Yellow, Beige, Terracotta, Earth Tones
Fire Produces: Red; Orange, Burgundy, Pink
Elements & Colors to be Avoided:
Wood Destroys: Green, Brown
Metal Exhausts: White, Gold, Silver, Metallic
Very important:
Use green color bottle wrap a blue color cellophane paper, fill it up
with water & keep it under sun light for three to four hours.
Student can keep sipping this water while studying. The sun will charge this water with these colors, this charged water will enhance the concentration and improve memory.
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