Thursday, June 26, 2014



This is the only line which is found on every hand. In case it is absent, which is very rare, does not mean that the age of the person is very short. This line basically reflects the vigor, vitality, health, change etc. in life of person.

In its absence some other lines like Mars and Venus support it. But in case if these lines are faultless and clear only then it is considered auspicious.

If someone calculate it minutely then one can predict the age of the person and health problems take at what time.

it commences under the mount of Jupiter, sometime it starts from the mount of Jupiter. One must see it from where it is commencing because it will give different results.

The bigger the area it covers the mount of Venus the better it is. Its strength increases when it is deeper, distinct and unbroken.

Some facts about this line:

If it starts from mount of Jupiter, the person is very ambitious, work hard and get success.

Starts from mount of Mars the person will be hot temper, takes quick decisions and somewhat quarrelsome.

Starts from very close to the thumb and covering very low area of Venus mount then there will be low energy, always tired, week in sex, tension for nothing etc.

If this line is separate from Head line, it reflects lot of confidence, start taking decisions at an early age, independent etc. in life.

If there is small fork at the end of life, the life will be active till end and earning will continue. 

If the line goes towards the mount of Moon, the person will travel in his old age.

If the break is covered with Square or Triangle, its bad effects are covered with these. Sister lines also overlaps its defects.

Dots, crosses, islands, grids, tassels are not good on the Life line. These reflects weak health, medical problems, sickness, poverty etc.

Any upshots from this line means some progress, success and auspicious in life at that age.

When this line touches the fate line, it means that interference or opposition from family.
Islands at start and at end, it shows weakness throughout in life and there will be lot of medical expenses.

Life line uneven or zig zag, it will be unpredictable nature, unpredictable health, change in life etc.

Pale  Life line shows poor circulation of blood. Chained Life line shows nervous trouble and full of hurdles, weak health.

When this line is smooth, faultless and cover a good area of mount of Venus, it will reflect healthy, happy, prosperous, progressive, health, status and good family life.

Large downward lines towards moon means lot of travelling in life.

Straight and thin line reflects health and money problems. When it is seen in women’s hand it reflects that there will be problem at child birth.

Triangle on Life line shows acquisition of property.

Line cutting Life line and Heart line results failure in love.

These are some of the characteristics of Life line. One should not take these facts authenticated, if any one wants to find the facts of these lines one must consult some professional palmist who can explain these lines with combination of others lines which is very very important.