Sunday, December 15, 2013


                        YOGA AND VASTU 

When life is full of stress, tension and depression, people are going back and adopting the thousand year’s old knowledge of Vastushastra and Yoga. In this jet age life people want to reduce tension and stress, thus they redirect their journey to the above knowledge. Adopting it and became happy.

Many of us doing Yoga exercise to maintain or keep our body fit and healthy. In fact Yoga is nothing but realigning, maintaining and balancing the body energies to keep healthy and energetic.

Vastushsatra is also to maintain the balance of different energies of eight directions of dwelling unit to have a peaceful, prosperous and healthy life.

Thus home (Dwelling unit) is such a place where these both meet.

In yoga there are different numbers of exercises and these different exercises suits to different bodies. Sometimes some complains, in spite of taking pains and doing seriously the end results are not good. They change exercises, schools or instructors but the results are the same. Whereas, someone else gets more, speedy and optimum results in same time or in very short time. You may change schools, instructors or exercises, the results will be the same.

Why is it so?
The cause of above problem is somewhere else. Yes. It is. It is in the place where you are. Perhaps nobody has noticed. The place or the room where you are exercising is suitable for doing any efforts. No doubt, Rishi, Munies and Vedas do emphasize of practicing yoga. They virtually emphasize that it should be in harmony with Vastu if you want the optimum results. 

Any building or house has sixteen directions in Vastu and each direction has its own features, characteristics, dominating element and energies. These features affect the human body (living thing) and non living thing (building).

To get the best results of yoga one must adopt one particular area, zone and direction which goes with the similar energy.

If one wants to do meditation the best zone is NORTH-EAST. Here one gets concentration which is must for meditation. On the other hand for exercise the best part of place is SOUTH or SOUTH-EAST. These both the directions are hot and very good for heavy exercises. Then again one must have knowledge of facing directions and the color to be used in. The bottom line is one must have knowledge of area, zone, direction and color before starting Yoga.

Best of luck for healthy life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013



What is energy in Vastu and Feng Shui?

When you feel that you are comfortable in one room and not in the same state of mind in other part of house. Many a time’s people say that they are not comfortable when they have moved to new house. They might have judged their growth graph has gone down in health, wealth, marriage, children, society, education etc. When the business fails, owner complains about labor and labor complains about management. In all the above and like these cases the problems are lying somewhere else which nobody tries to find and that is in energy of the place which is the cause of all the above problems.

Vastu and Feng Shui are basically based on five elements e.g. WATER, WOOD, FIRE, EARTH and METAL (SPACE).
These five elements have their own energies like:
  • Earth : Magnetic
  • Water : Gravitational
  • Fire : Heat
  • Air : Wind
  • Space : Cosmic
  • Magnetic field of the earth
  • Gravitational attraction of the earth
  • Solar radiation
  • Wind energy
  • Cosmic radiation
These energies affect us in one way or the other. When a person is continuously in contact with these energies s/he is under:

Experiencing fatigue, tiredness, stressed, depressed.
Victim of chronic diseases or illness.
Unable to take quick and prompt decisions.
Irritable and rashness in one’s behavior.
Always have negative thoughts in mind.
Unnecessary sudden financial loss at home or at work. Etc.
Like attracts like. When we are victim of negative energies we always attract towards negative energies automatically.

If so it becomes necessary to check you might be victim of NEGATIVE ENERGIES.

Are you sleeping in disturbed zone? Because one third of our life we spend in our bed rooms, so it becomes important to check it.
Are you working in disturbed zone? This will give you losses in business and taking wrong decisions.
Where you are studying check the energy of the place? Where are you working and how you are feeling? In nut shall it becomes necessary to check the place where you are? You will find that you are in Geopathic stress, harmful radiation, and negative energy zones.

Human body is very sensitive and it reacts immediately when it is disturbed. Even the aura of a person effects when come in contact. Human brain works at 15-20 Hertz frequencies. Our body remains healthy when it is in 0.5 gravitational energy of earth.

How one can find solution for the above major problem of life?

Only and only VASTU, FENG SHUI and PYRAMIDOLOGY give you the satisfied solutions. With these NEGATIVE ENERGIES can be NEUTRALIZED or CONVERTED into POSITIVE ENERGIES.

Clearing the negative energy of the space and then making it more welcoming to human nature. Since we always cherish for growth and prosperity, we must clean our surroundings with more attractive, positive, good and positive flow of energies. To achieve quality of life we must remove the waste, toxic waste and negative energies from our surroundings.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


SRI YANTRA?????? One of the most sacred and powerful Yantras used in India and in Tibet since thousands of years. It is said that where ever it is established, brings peace, prosperity, wealth, health, happiness, harmony, good fortune etc. This is a source of attaining all worldly desires and fulfilling wishes thru its inner power i.e. cosmic power.  Sri mean wealth and Yantras means instrument. So this is an instrument of wealth. It does not bring material wealth but mental and spiritual wealth where it is established and to everybody who so ever posses it.
This Yantras is possessed by Brahma and praised by Vishnu. Sri Yantras is associated with the ancient science of Vastu Shastra. Even Chinese also use it in Feng Shui. All construction based on Vastu, must and should possess Sri Yantras at the base.

The Yantras is composed of one of the several geometrical shapes i.e. dots, triangles, circles, square and lotus representing different ways of energies. It is Multi Pyramid Geometry Grid is in 2D and 3D form. Sri Yantras is symbol of 9 intertwined isosceles triangles constitute a total of 43 triangles. There are four triangles pointing upward and five triangles pointing downward. The triangles facing upwards represents Shiva, the Masculine, yang energy and the triangles facing downward represents Shakti, the Feminine yin energy.   It is a symbolic form of all the God and Goddesses.

            The combination of nine triangles, make the Sri Yantras the most dynamic Yantras of all.
While looking at it seems to be fairly simple design but while constructing, it is highly complex. There are several intersection points in these nine triangles and they are interlinked with each other. Just changing one point or angle, it leads to change in every line, angle and point.

BINDU (DOT): it is the center most point in the Yantras. It is surrounded by triangles, circles, squares and lotus. In fact this bindu is the core point of energy. While meditating, one will have to concentrate on this bindu to get energy.
These triangles are not composed ordinarily, these have special ratios. Just as the rectangles drawn on some specific ratios, same properties are with the triangles. Triangles have three properties, the base length, slant and the height. Amazing results of the study is that the angle of these triangles is of same that of Great Pyramids of Giza i.e. 51 degree 51 minutes (52 degree rounded off), the same value that was attributed to the base of Great Pyramid of Giza. 
The intersection points (three lines meet or intersect) in Yantras are generally correlated to the marma points (marma sthana) on human body in VASTU SHAHASTRA. These are the most sensitive points in human body and these must be taken care of for healthy life.

There are negative energies around our bodies and at our place. Some time the positive aura of our body cannot stand with these negative energies of place where we are and negative aura is created around our body, results bad effects in our life tension, stress, no peace, no harmony, financial loss, repeated failures and bad luck. In spite of doing all the best and positive efforts the results are the same.

Sri Yantras a source of supreme energy, a magnificent magnet which transforms the cosmic and earth energy into positive form, spread in our surroundings. In crystal it has an extraordinary healing power and energy of mind, body and soul. Crystal Sri Yantras spreads energy in the form of waves and rays in its specific radius. Positive energy gives mental balance and peace of mind. Crystal Sri Yantras has unimaginative and extreme powers that can fulfill your wishes and dreams. This helps us to achieve unlimited and unexpected growth in our life, both spiritually and materially.

Sri Yantras is the only answer of all the negativity and problems in our life. This can be judged / realized within very short span of time when we enter the place where it is established.

While using the Yantras one must get it tested its energy, whether it is generating positive energy or negative energy.

Then it must be Cleansed, Purified. Energized and Programmed. Only then one can get the best results from it. Otherwise it will be mere a decoration piece

The sage Kannaad said that if one has Sri Yantras, which is energized with Mantras, one need not try any other Sadhna or ritual on it. This Sri Yantras itself  brings positive results and divine powers at the place where it is established. Just like flower sends its fragrance in all directions similarly this spreads its energy in all directions.