Sunday, December 15, 2013


                        YOGA AND VASTU 

When life is full of stress, tension and depression, people are going back and adopting the thousand year’s old knowledge of Vastushastra and Yoga. In this jet age life people want to reduce tension and stress, thus they redirect their journey to the above knowledge. Adopting it and became happy.

Many of us doing Yoga exercise to maintain or keep our body fit and healthy. In fact Yoga is nothing but realigning, maintaining and balancing the body energies to keep healthy and energetic.

Vastushsatra is also to maintain the balance of different energies of eight directions of dwelling unit to have a peaceful, prosperous and healthy life.

Thus home (Dwelling unit) is such a place where these both meet.

In yoga there are different numbers of exercises and these different exercises suits to different bodies. Sometimes some complains, in spite of taking pains and doing seriously the end results are not good. They change exercises, schools or instructors but the results are the same. Whereas, someone else gets more, speedy and optimum results in same time or in very short time. You may change schools, instructors or exercises, the results will be the same.

Why is it so?
The cause of above problem is somewhere else. Yes. It is. It is in the place where you are. Perhaps nobody has noticed. The place or the room where you are exercising is suitable for doing any efforts. No doubt, Rishi, Munies and Vedas do emphasize of practicing yoga. They virtually emphasize that it should be in harmony with Vastu if you want the optimum results. 

Any building or house has sixteen directions in Vastu and each direction has its own features, characteristics, dominating element and energies. These features affect the human body (living thing) and non living thing (building).

To get the best results of yoga one must adopt one particular area, zone and direction which goes with the similar energy.

If one wants to do meditation the best zone is NORTH-EAST. Here one gets concentration which is must for meditation. On the other hand for exercise the best part of place is SOUTH or SOUTH-EAST. These both the directions are hot and very good for heavy exercises. Then again one must have knowledge of facing directions and the color to be used in. The bottom line is one must have knowledge of area, zone, direction and color before starting Yoga.

Best of luck for healthy life.

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