Saturday, December 31, 2016

Quadrangle in Palm:

Quadrangle in Palm:

Space between life line and head line is called quadrangle.

Length of heart line and life line means good quadrangle.

Distance between heart and head line should be normal and not so close or not so wide.

Position of quadrangle high or low in palm reveals the nature of the person.

Line positions e.g. straight line or curved line.

Curved line tells us about flexible, emotion, sensitive, ability to convince and adjustable nature and straight line tells about generous, practical, charitable and inflexible or rigid nature of person.

Heart line and head line are straight in palm reveals that person is lucky in material prospects in life. When emotions and heart related terms come then these people are not so lucky. This is because inflexible nature.

When one line is curved and other is straight then the curved line overcome the straight line and removes the rigid nature of the line. As if heart line is curved and head line is straight then emotions will overlaps the thinking and logic of life.