Swastika and Vastu
Its shape has four equal arms cross
at the center and at the end each arm is bent towards right angle, clock wise. These
have in cardinal directions North, East, South and West. This is a symbol of
fortune and prosperity. Used since long, but its shape has been changed in some
religions and religious traditions.
Swastika is an ancient symbol found
globally, but it has some more importance in Hindus. It is called Swastika in Hindi
and svasti or svastika in Sanskrit language. It means SV = well, ASTI = is (to
be) , IK what is in existence and to be
continue, A denotes gender feminine. It means good luck, fortune, well being,
let good prevail forever. It can’t be destroyed and permanent victory. It also
denotes blessings.
Color of Swastika is mostly saffron,
red or yellow.
The right hand Swastika (sacred) has
been linked with many Hindu God and Goddess. It is one of the 108 symbols of
Lord Vishnu. It is a symbol of the Sun god Surya. Ganeshji is also seen sitting
on lotus flower on bed of Swastika.
The left hand swastika (called
sauvastika) represents terrifying Goddess Kali. It is for magic and night. Tho
some people think it is not good or is negative, but it is not so. In Buddhism
left hand swastika is used very commonly.
This symbol is used globally. In
Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism it is used as sacred symbol, where as in other
countries this is non religious or spiritual purposes.
Swastika has been used in different
angles in the world. In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, it is used straight,
whereas Nazi used it in slanting i.e. 45 degrees. History shows where ever Nazis
used it in slanting direction on the map they were defeated mostly.
Hindu mark swastika in their account
books (they mark when they start a new book in the begging), on doors,
threshold and in offerings. In Buddhism it is a mark of foot print of Buddha. Modern
Tibetan Buddhists used on clothing for decoration. With the spread of Buddhism
it has spread across India, reached China and Japan. They use is very
frequently. Among Jainism it is an emblem of their seventh Tirthankara.
For Hindus four limb denotes:
Four Vedas: Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atherv
Four stages of life: Brahamcharya (Student), Grihasta
(Family life), Vanaprastha (Retired life). Sanyasa (Religious life).
Four goals of life: Dharama (Religion), Arth (Success).
Kama (Pleasure), Moksha (Release) reflecting success in every field of life.
Swastika is very frequently used in
It is used as a one of the charms. It always generates positive
energy. Most of the Vastu dosh can be removed by the use of Swastika if and
only if this symbol is used cautiously and accurately. Otherwise we have seen
the fate of Nazis in history.
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