This article about
donation will carry three parts.
First part will be
regarding donation and
The second part will be
what to donate regarding particular planet.
So this is the first
What is donation?
Should we donate?
If yes then how?
When to donate?
How much?
Where and whom?
Donation means act of
charity. Donation means gift or contribution to some charitable organisations
or to the people who need or deserve.
It is very good gesture
to donate money or things but we see that people follow it without any
knowledge and some people just follow the others blindly. In Fact it is a
double edge sword. It can make or mar the life of a person who is running on
this path. So, one should be very particular while acting on it.
In Hindu religion
donation or donating things to religious places, organisations or to the needy
and deserving people is very important. This has been very much linked with our
past karmas. The importance of it has been elaborately written in our old Vedic
shastras. Also written here who should and who should not donate.
Should we donate?
Yes. By donating
something we can improve and get the positive results or blessings of the
planets which are unfavorable or against in our horoscope. These favorable and
unfavorable planets can be judged thru our horoscope. Before taking this step
one must analyze the horoscope because a small donation may go against your
stars and may create problem in your smooth, happy and prosperous life. As I
have already said that this is a double edge sword. So be careful and be
intelligent before donating anything.
When to donate?
We generally see that
people are donating it very frequently and on daily basis. This should not be
done. Who wants to donate he should first of all analyze the horoscope and must
know which are the planets favorable and unfavorable. Favorable planets always
help and improve the life, but the unfavorable planets which always hinder,
harm and bring miseries in life.
When the dasha of some
unfavorable planets is set in, it will bring tension, depression, hindrance in
progress and miseries in life. So during that unfavorable dasha or time period
one must donate related things of that particular planet to ease one’s
How much to donate?
There are different
views about how much one should donate?
In my views there is no
limit. It can be done with a pinch of a particular thing and can be with maunds
of it. The amount and quantity does not matter. What matter is one’s intention?
In Fact if you have good intention and doing this deed with full devotion, you
will get success. Whereas your action is without devotion and cribbing latter
on then it is of no use. No results will come.
So never concentrate on
amount and quantity but on intention only.
Where and to whom should
Donation should be
offered to the needy and really poor people. It should be to the handicapped,
elderly, sick, small children etc. One should not donate to drunker, thief,
beggar, gambler, cheater etc.
To the religious places,
organisations, education institutions, hospitals, cremation places, old age
homes, children places etc. If one is offering to the religious places or deity
it is called offering and not donation.
Bottom line is that one
must be very careful what one is donating. Double edge sword must be carefully
handled. Hope in future one will consult horoscope and then donate anything.
Again I say that don’t do it blindly. Be careful.
Get consultation from
some expert and then do it.
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