Monday, January 4, 2016



Bathroom above Entrance:

If the entrance of the house is weak that will be the major Vastu Dosha. This is because all the energy enters thru the main door which is also called the mouth of the house. When this is polluted how the positive energy can enter the house?

The main entrance should be neat and clean so that it always welcomes everybody. It should be well decorated and easy to approach so that cheerful positive energy enters the house. When this is polluted with bathroom above its entrance how can we expect the positive energy enters the house. This becomes the major vastu defect for that house, industry or business center. This situation will bring health, wealth, education, career, marriage etc. problems in family.  Now the question is how to remove this Vastu Dosha.

Simple and subtle remedy is to remove this bathroom. If it is not possible which is sure, then one should go for remedy. This will give much relief to the occupant.

Where there is bathroom above the entrance make a false ceiling of that area. To get the best results just keep some crystals or pyramids in the false ceiling. But be sure these crystals or pyramids should be purified and energized.

Purified and energized bowl full of salt should be kept in the bathroom.

Purified and energized bowl full of alum can be placed in the bathroom.

A small LED for 6-8 hours can be lighted of the color of that direction.

This will protect from negative energy polluted from above bathroom and the occupants will enjoy the life.